About Us

What We Work

Women Empowerment

JYMS attempts to unite women to develop their capacity and form group through mobilization, provide financial assistance through linkage with banks for empowering women socially, economically and politically. Regular activities organized for village level development and gender balance through fortnightly and monthly meeting. In addition, JYMS provide opportunity for political empowerment for representation under Panchayat Raj Institution through link one women group to another group at village, cluster and block level. JYMS is making a new story of women empowerment. This work is going on in Shahnagar and Gunnor tehsil of Panna district. Women and Finance Development Corporation of Madhya Pradesh Government is financing this program. Following are some major achievements:

Formation of Federation of women groups

Federation of women groups formed under Madhya Pradesh cooperative society Act 1960 to bring forward women groups in Panna district in production and marketing field. The name of this federation is “JAGRITI MAHILA SAKH SAHAKARI SAMITI MARYADIT, SHAHNAGAR (AWAKE WOMEN CREDIT COOPERATIVE COMMITTEE MARYADIT, SHAHNAGAR) and which registration number is A.R.P 732 dated 22 September 2012. There are 11 executive board member and 36 members.

Access to Government Schemes through Awareness

Peoples from underprivileged communities make capable that they can access different government schemes and their rights under organization building and capacity development program through awareness. As a result, following are the progress in this field-

Awareness on Tuberculosis Disease

Some population of Panna district work in stone mining; as a reason always, they are afraid of infected from tuberculosis disease and some mining labours are affected from tuberculosis. In this situation, JYMS is generating awareness among stone query villagers through regular meetings. Identification of people infected from tuberculosis, free health check up and health related government schemes information provided to them with the help of Voluntary Health Association of Madhya Pradesh. 980 men and women from 48 villages participated in these meetings organized on this program.

Safe Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

These thee components are very important to establish a healthy society, but peoples are not sensitive about safe drinking water due to the lack of awareness. JYMS organized street play in 25 villages to mobilize and awake people to construct toilet, to start hygiene practices and wider advertisement of National Drinking Water Pipe Water Supply Scheme under Maryada Abhiyan at district level. As a result of our initiative more than 2000 families’ constructed new toilet in their houses and about 15000 families submitted demand within 6 month from the starting of the program. Peoples awaked through wider message about the disadvantages of open defecation and washing hand before eating and after toilet. We also mobilize about 32000 people about hygiene practices.

Conservation of Energy

Consumption and demands of energy is increasing day by day as well as population as a result energy supply is becoming more challenging. It is necessary to aware people about the traditional and optional sources of energy to balance in consumption, demand and supply of the energy and reduce the consumption of energy. In this conjunction, JYMS build awareness on conservation of energy and use of C.F.L.

Girls Education

Girls play important role and place in the society. A girl becomes a women and operates entire family. Educated girls are backbone of the family as well as the society. JYMS organize meetings with the guardians of schoolchildren to make awareness on girl education intensively in Raisatan, Gidoudha and Mankoura.

Water Conservation

The main reasons of depleting ground water are exploitation of ground water and lack of awareness about the water conservation. Discussion held on different ways of water conservation like farm bunding, earthen dam, cantor dam and stop dam. A small earthen dam constructed with 50 pocket sands in Gidoudha village. Water conserved in this village as a result, of this earthen dam and availability of water ensured for drinking of cattle and irrigation purpose.

Environmental Awareness

Deforestation and pollution of environment are the main reasons of climate change and emerging challenges from its. Because of this, So many natural disasters are happening around us. Misbalancing of environment and ecology has become more concern subject for the entire world. JYMS organized awareness rally, poster competition, exhibition and tree plantation program time to time for generating awareness on environment. Villagers planted 7256 trees in 90 villages after the awareness program of the organization. Also efforts made on “Plastic Free Village” in Salaiyaforan village through getting their attention as well as providing information on disadvantages of use of plastic bag.

Live Stock Management

Animal husbandry is an important backbone of rural livelihood. Identification of disease of animals/ livestock for prevention and vaccination is necessary for the management of the livestock of the villages. Focused on this issue, JYMS develop the understanding of the villagers about the livestock management, vaccination of animals and government schemes. 20 animals were vaccinated in Salaiyaforan village.


Drug addiction has been emerged in society such a major problem. Youth groups are becoming victims of this regularly. Stroke of drugs is to strong that body is becoming defective slowly and he/ she died before he/ she understood the disadvantages of intoxication. JYMS started a journey to make a society free from intoxication and organized several street play and theatre for wider message on intoxication. As a result, 660 peoples from 42 villages determined to leave intoxication and now they are living drug free life.

Organic Farming

Using the chemical fertilizer and pesticide is contaminating grain, vegetables, fruits and milk that are the main base of the food for the human life. As a result, human life is falling in dangerous situation. Indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers for crop growing has become threats to human life as well as this is converting productive land in to barren land. Only one solution against this situation is organic farming, it proves that vermin compost is helpful to increase the production power of the earth. It makes water, land and air healthy and farming in low water availability is possible through using vermin compost and also it is cheaper than chemical fertilizer, it decrease the cost of the farming. Bringing these objectives JYMS motivated farmers for organic farming in Madhavpura, Josinha, Bulbula and Bhajia village through awareness.

Gender Equality

Discrimination with women starting from a family to society is on wide range. Because of this, it stops the development opportunity and freedom of women. Regular discussion organized in village meetings to stop this discrimination and inequality with women. JYMS explained villagers about the disadvantage of gender inequality in depth.

Forest Land Rights

250 tribal families from 71 villages got the forestland rights over their ancestral possession over forestland and 61 tribal families got homestead land rights of forest villages after a successful intervention of JYMS for fair implementation of Forest Rights Recognition Act, 2006.

Employment Guarantee Act

JYMS generated awareness through organizing street play, song, film show in 213 villages of 102 panchayats of Shahanagar block on Mahatma Gandhi National Employment Guarantee Act and 202 families got job card after the facilitation of the process by JYM.

Strengthening Community Based organization

Regular meeting on community and village development organized in community based organization, which were formed earlier in 123 villages and made awareness on different social issues.

Awareness on HIV AIDS

Increasing the number of HIV AIDS patient in the state is a subject of anxiety. JYMS has started the work on Link Worker Scheme in Panna and Targeted Intervention Project in Satna with the help of Madhya Pradesh State Aids Control Committee to combat critique situation.

Link worker scheme

Link worker scheme started to prevent aids through developing community based model in susceptible area of Panna district like Shahnagar, Pawai, Ajaynagar, Panna and Gunnor block in 100 villages of 90 panchayats. Activities like distribution and ensure the availability of condoms among high-risk groups, other men and women, identification of aids patients, consultancy for different services for the treatment of sexual diseases and tuberculosis and reduce the discrimination with aids victims through community mobilization are included in this project.

Targeted Intervention Project

Satna is included in the district of high risk of HIV AIDS in the state of Madhya Pradesh. This project started to prevent the transition of HIV and STI among female sex workers, male-to-male sex workers and injected drugs users. Activities like STI treatment to targeted population, provide consultancy services, distribution of condom in core group, promote safe injection practices, capacity development of core group members, care and contact with aid services are included in this project.

Human Resource Management of JYMS

Human resource development policy of JYMS focuses on holistic development approach of man force. JYMS gives equal importance to satisfactory of group, quality of program and management, innovative ideas, effective implementation and monitoring.

Selection, appointment, training for staff capacity development, evaluation and management, progress and transfer and keeping individual’s records of workers, salaries, honorarium and other allowances and assessment of their performance are included in the HR policy.

“Helping Those In Need Help Themselves“