India has the highest malnourished population in the world. In India, 46% of children under the age of three are malnourished and nearly half of infant deaths are related to malnutrition. In India 8 million people are blind and 63 million are visually impaired. Approximately 25% of global maternal deaths occur in India. It is evident that there are fundamental health issues that need to be urgently addressed, especially among rural communities where quality and accessibility of medical infrastructure is very limited.
At Swades Health & Nutrition, we want to ensure universal access to public and private health care services for its rural communities.
Creating an ecosystem for rural health with a special focus on diseases impacting more than 1% of the population. A special focus is on eye care, maternal and childcare, as well as nutrition including anti-anaemia, de-worming, kitchen gardens and more. Ensuring access to reliable primary healthcare services through trained cadre of 2500 Community Health Workers (Swaraksha Mitras) and building a strong connect between the community and government services.
Every individual should be empowered to live a healthy and productive life.
Empowered communities for sustainable change through our highly trained cadre of Swades community health workers i.e. Swaraksha Mitras (SRMs). We link our SRMs and communities to government and private health facilities as well as other NGOs and charitable hospitals.
Training & capacity building programmes for government and private frontline health personnel –doctors, ANM, ASHAs, and Anganwadi workers.
SwarakshaMitras (SRMs) :
A cadre of Swades community health workers providing basic paramedical services & sharing health related information with the communities.
As strong force of 1059 SRMs from the community are impacting a population of 471,000 villagers. We plan to appoint and train 2500 SRMs covering one million villagers in the next 3 years.
Anaemia Management :
Iron and Folic acid programs, pre & post haemoglobin level testing and regular follow-ups.
Covered 23,000 children (3-11 years) and 58,000 adults and plan to cover a total of 1 million people in the next 3 years.
Eye-care Camps :
Three Mobile Vans providing free screening, identification and diagnosis, providing subsidized spectacles and free cataract surgery.
Eye screening of 120000 villagers in 3 Mobile Vision Care Vans.
Provided 21000 free spectacles for people with refractive error and plan to treat a total of 175,000 in the next 3 years.
We have offered free cataract surgery to 3407 people and plan to reach out to a total of 23,500 people in the next 3 years.
Malnutrition Reduction Programme :
Detecting and rehabilitating malnourished children by breastfeeding, complementary feed and nutritional counselling and providing special feeds.
3,032 out of 20,510 children screened were found to be malnourished. They were provided ready-to-use-therapeutic-food (RUTF) sachets to overcome the malnourished status.
Screening and Management of Children with Heart Diseases :
Children having congenital heart diseases are referred for diagnostic screening and treatment at Fortis Hospital.
Facilitated cardiac surgeries of 34 children with Congenital Heart Disease till date.