Our Work

Community Mobilisation

Community Mobilisation

Social mobilization enhances participation of rural poor in local governance

Social mobilization is the cornerstone of participatory approaches in rural development and poverty alleviation programmes. It is a powerful instrument in decentralization policies and programmes aimed at strengthening human and institutional resources development at local level. Social mobilization strengthens participation of rural poor in local decision-making, improves their access to social and production services and efficiency in the use of locally available financial resources, and enhances opportunities for asset-building by the poorest of the poor.

Role of Gram Sabha and public information in social mobilization

The Constitution’s 73rd Amendment has made the village council, the Gram Sabha, into a very powerful tool of social mobilization. Many types of neighbourhood groups, health and literacy programmes, Mahila Mandals (village women’s groups) and the mass media - newspapers, radio and TV - also play a vital role in social mobilization at the community level. Social mobilization of rural poor at community level will be successful if directly linked with issues affecting their livelihoods. For successful social mobilization of the rural poor, there is a need for improved access to public information on local development issues directly linked with their livelihood interests. An effective way of doing this is by facilitating free access to public information on local development programmes and activities, which has been a critical factor in the success of Panchayati Raj in the States of Kerala and Andhra Pradesh.

Examples of successful social mobilization

“Helping Those In Need Help Themselves“